Panda Adoption

Adopt and name a Giant Panda

We now have 58 pandas living at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. On average, each panda needs 50,000 RMB (approx. 5,000 Euro) per year for nutritional needs, veterinary care, environmental enrichment, and care. This year we have nine newborn giant pandas. With the addition of nine giant pandas we will need an extra sum of 450,000 RMB to provide for them. If you are interested in adopting a panda cub for its entire life (based on the average captive lifespan of 25 years) please contact us. With your adoption of one of our pandas you will help support the exceptional care that the Research Base provides for them.

The program includes the following:

Adoption Category
Adoption Requirements
Independent Adoption for 1 Year
Donation of $6,350 per year
Partial Adoption for 1 YearDonation of $1,200 per year
Life-long Independent Adoption
Donation of every five years till the death of the panda
Partial Life-long Adoption
Donation of $15,000 once (the living expenses for 3 years)

Procedures of Adoption:

Please call (+86) (10) 58570190 or (+86) 13681292401 or email us to learn more details and establish a relationship with us.

Please let us know:

How many pandas would you like to adopt?

Do you have any specific requirements for the adopted panda's age and sex?

For how many years will you adopt the panda?

How much will you donate? What kind of currency will you donate in? When and how will you pay?

What would you like to name your panda?

According to the research base's current requirements, a panda will be adopted for at least 1 year.

Adoption Ceremony and Press conference

We will hold an adoption ceremony and press conference for donors. The main procedure is: a) donor gives a speech; b) the donation ceremony; c) present of gift to donor; d) issue of the adoption certificate; e) representative of the Base gives a speech; and f) donor and representative answer media's questions. We will invite many media to report on the ceremony and put the detailed articles and pictures on Internet.

The rights and duties of donors

The right to visit your panda(s) during the adoption period; an adoption plaque will be hung in a prominent place near your panda's home; framed adoption certificate with a photo of your panda; information and pictures of adopted pandas will be found on our web site, and donors can download them; donors can publicize their donation honestly, but cannot do anything which will damage the reputation of Panda Base.

Do you have a question? Use our online support system! Simply click on the "live chat" icon, fill in the required fields and choose an available operator.

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